Place Making Proposals: Area Partnership Feedback, October 2021

Closed 25 Oct 2021

Opened 6 Oct 2021

Results expected 2 Nov 2021


Over the recent cycle of Area Partnership meetings, we considered a proposed joint approach to Place Making.  This was based on a detailed report endorsed by Scottish Borders Council at its meeting on 26th August.  A copy of the report can be accessed at the foot of this page.  As discussed, the report proposes a central oversight role for Area Partnerships in the development and delivery of Place Making activity across communities in their localities and sets out:

  • Proposed Joint Principles (Section 5 of the report)
  • A Proposed Framework for Local Place Plans (Section 6 of the report)
  • Possible options for prioritising where Place Making activity starts (Section 7 of the report)


Why your views matter

At the Area Partnerships meetings, we agreed to circulate a feedback form to allow Area Partnership members to provide further feedback on the Place Making proposals.  An analysis of the feedback will be presented to the next round of Area Parnerships and wil be used to refine and develop our joint Place Making arrangements.

Since the meetings, a proposed Draft Role Agreement - which outlines the Place Making oversight role of Area Partnerships - has been drafted and has been circulated.  A copy of this can also accessed at the foot of this page.   Your feedback on this would also be appreciated.

What happens next

Your feedback will be used to refine both the proposals and the Draft Role Agreement.  Analysis of the feedback will be provided at Area Partnership meetings in November and December.


  • All Areas


  • Community group


  • Community Planning Partnerships