Peebles Cycle Lanes

Closed 30 Apr 2021

Opened 9 Apr 2021

Feedback updated 10 Jun 2021

We asked

We asked for your views on introducing a range of temporary measures across Peebles as part of a trial to promote more active travel, including walking and cycling, in the area.

This included introducing temporary advisory cycle lanes across certain areas of Peebles, installing a puffin crossing at Eastgate and altering the existing taxi ranks within the town centre.

You said

602 people responded to our survey

  • 261 (43%) would welcome a six-month trial of advisory cycle lanes on Kingsmeadows Road
  • 307 (51%) would not welcome a six-month trial of advisory cycle lanes on Kingsmeadows Road
  • 253 (42%) would welcome a six-month trial of advisory cycle lanes on Innerleithen Road
  • 324 (54%) would not welcome a six-month trial of advisory cycle lanes on Innerleithen Road
  • 191 (32%) would welcome a six-month trial of advisory cycle lanes on High Street and East Gate 
  • 388 (64%) would not welcome a six-month trial of advisory cycle lanes on High Street and East Gate
  • 307 (51%) think installing a puffin crossing over the A72 at the Eastgate is a good idea
  • 223 (37%) think installing a puffin crossing over the A72 at the Eastgate is a bad idea
  • 391 (65%) think removing the taxi ranks from The Park and The County and extending the one outside Trespass is a good idea
  • 103 (17%) think removing the taxi ranks from The Park and The County and extending the one outside Trespass is a bad idea


  • 156 (26%) said the installation of cycle lanes and puffin crossing change would change how they walk or cycle in Peebles
  • 327 (54%) said the installation of cycle lanes and puffin crossing change would make no difference to their travel choices

We did

After carefully considering the data, a 12 month trial of cycle lanes will take place starting from summer 2021, to fully determine demand for more active travel spaces in Peebles which have the potential to make the town a more walking and cycling friendly area.

After taking into consideration public responses to the survey, which indicated that there was clearly no demand for cycle lanes at Peebles Eastgate and High Street, these areas will not form part of the trial.

As part of the wider trial, taxi ranks outside The Park Hotel and The Crown will be removed and the existing rank at the Eastgate Theatre will be extended.


With the aims of making Peebles High Street a more appealing place to walk and cycle and the Council are keen to gauge views on:

  • Trial of advisory cycle lanes and removal of centre line, 6 months duration
  • Trial revised positioning of taxi rank (removal of ranks at The Park and The County and extending outside Trespass), 6 months duration.
  • Permanent Puffin Crossing at top of Tweed Brae, with loss of loading bay.

Removing the white lines in the middle of the road would allow a 6 month trial of advisory cycle lanes to be formed to give cyclists a more defined space on the road.  Advisory cycle lanes would be introduced from the entry to Peebles on the A72 (east) along the High Street, over Tweed Bridge and along Kingsmeadows Road to Cavalry Park and removal of painted centre lines along this length.

When cyclists are using the advisory lanes drivers should not drive in them, however when there are no cyclists around drivers can drive in them.  Advisory cycle lanes delineate an area of the carriageway for cyclists and provide a recommend line of travel for cyclist. They instruct vehicles not to enter unless avoidable and can legally be overrun.  

To make space for the advisory cycle lanes the taxi rank at The Park would need to be removed, and by revising the lining outside Trespass 3 taxis could fit which would also be a reasonable compromise to the ongoing concerns, again for a 6 month trial period. 


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  • Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender people (LGBT)
  • Low income households
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  • Housing associations
  • Landowners
  • Licence holders
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  • Scottish Government departments
  • Services/Utilities
  • Taxi Licence holders
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  • Catering businesses
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  • All staff


  • Transport