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213 results

  • Taxi Fare Review 2024

    Scottish Borders Council reviews taxi fares every 18 months and must consult with operators and members of the public on any proposals to change the taxi fare tariff. The council uses a formula which was agreed between the trade, the traffic commissioner and the council to determine variations in taxi rates. The last review was concluded on the 22 nd of August 2019. A further review was due to be held in 2021 however operational pressures and the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic delayed... More
    Closed 21 July 2024
  • Linglie Farm

    Disposal of Linglie Farm Cottages and Small field Under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, the Local Authority is required to consult with the local community when there is a proposal to dispose of Common Good property. Selkirk Common Good fund are proposing to transfer ownership of the two small cottages at Linglie farm and the 0.82 acre field to the rear of the cottages to the current farm tenant. The tenant at Linglie farm wishes to retire and end the... More
    Closed 18 July 2024
  • Lease of Derek Ramage Pavilion

    Hawick United Football Club (HUFC) have applied to Scottish Borders Council for a 20-year lease on the Derek Ramage Pavilion in Wilton Park, which they have been using for the past two year through a short-term lease. A longer term lease will enable the Club to access grants to upgrade the facility. Before granting a new lease, we are seeking the views of the local community to make sure that there is support for this proposal. Comments may be made, including your... More
    Opened 16 July 2024
  • Future use of Haylodge Depot, Peebles

    Your opinion matters Haylodge Depot is part of Peebles Common Good. The most recent lease generated a rental income of £9500 per annum for Peebles Common Good Fund. This fund offers grants to local projects and uses funds to carry out works in the town that benefit the community. The lease has recently been terminated and the building is currently unoccupied. We would like to know your views on how the building is used next. Peebles & District... More
    Closed 8 July 2024
  • Play Area Improvements - Broughton Play Park

    SBC is investing over £4 million in Play Areas and Outdoor Community Spaces over a seven year period. The intention is to improve community wellbeing and enhance outdoor activity for children and young people inclusive of all levels of ability. SBC currently has 187 play parks ranging from smaller local areas of play to destination play parks. A programme of investment has been developed based on previous improvements to play areas and community spaces to provide children and young people... More
    Opened 3 July 2024
  • Proposal to permanently close The Wilton Centre, Hawick ( The Arches)

    Scottish Borders Council has launched a consultation on its Proposal to permanently close The Wilton Centre, Hawick (The Arches) following a decision at the Education Sub Committee on 23 rd April 2024. The aim of the consultation is to engage communities across the region to have their say on the proposal. The Consultation will run from Wednesday 8 th May and will close on Friday 28 th June 2024. The consultation aims to seek views across the region given the... More
    Closed 1 July 2024
  • Instrumental Instruction New Start Form 2023-2024

    After consultation with your Music Instructor this form should be completed for pupils wishing to start instrumental instruction Only one pupil per form please. The information provided within this form will be held by Scottish Borders Council for the purpose described. It will be retained for duration of your child's music tuition and for three months once the tuition ceases. For information on you rights under Data Protection Legislation, please visit ... More
    Closed 30 June 2024
  • Destination Tweed - Peebles - Gytes Leisure Centre to Fotheringham Bridge

    The Destination Tweed Project is led by Tweed Forum and developed in collaboration with multiple partners. Scottish Borders Council (SBC) are leading on delivering the River Tweed Trail element which is looking to create an attractive and accessible route along the length of the River Tweed, from source to sea, for walkers and cyclists of all ages and abilities. The route, largely off-road, will allow both tourists and locals to explore and enjoy the wider area as well as the heritage of... More
    Closed 28 June 2024
  • Instrumental Instruction Continuation Form 2024-2025

    This form should be completed for pupils currently receiving instrumental instruction Only one pupil per form please. Please note, all pupils will be exempt from charges for the year 2024-2025 as the Scottish Government have agreed to continue funding instrumental music tuition fees. The information provided within this form will be held by Scottish Borders Council for the purpose described. It will be retained for duration of your child's music tuition and for three months... More
    Opened 17 June 2024
  • Sale of public toilets - The Glebe, Jedburgh

    Jedburgh Leisure Facilities Trust (JLFT) has been operating the public toilets at Lothian Park (The Glebe) since they were re-opened following the pandemic. JLFT is now proposing to buy the toilets. This will enable them to access grant funding from schemes, e.g. the National Lottery’s Awards for All Scheme, to make any improvements to the toilets which they will continue to run. At its meeting on 30 March 2023, Scottish Borders Council (SBC) agreed to rationalise public... More
    Closed 4 June 2024
  • Self Build Housing Register

    Self-build housing is where an individual (whether acting alone or with other individuals) commissions or is personally involved in the design and construction of a dwelling that is intended to be the individual’s main residence once it is built. Understanding the demand for self-provided housing is important for both evidence gathering for the plan-making and decision-making. This list will help a planning authority understand more about the demand for self-build plots... More
    Opened 1 June 2024
  • Instrumental Instruction Continuation Form 2023-2024

    This form should be completed for pupils currently receiving instrumental instruction Only one pupil per form please. The information provided within this form will be held by Scottish Borders Council for the purpose described. It will be retained for duration of your child's music tuition and for three months once the tuition ceases. For information on you rights under Data Protection Legislation, please visit . More
    Closed 31 May 2024
  • Parking in the Scottish Borders and DPE 2024

    Scottish Borders Council are keen to collect the views of residents of the Borders on parking and parking enforcement in town centres across the region. For the avoidance of doubt this particular consultation is restricted to parking in town centres and is not about parking in residential streets or areas. The statutory responsibility for the enforcement of on-street parking regulations in the Scottish Borders currently lies with Police Scotland and the Council has no direct remit... More
    Closed 31 May 2024
  • Parking in the Scottish Borders and DPE 2024: Business

    Scottish Borders Council are keen to collect the views of businesses operating in the Borders on parking and parking enforcement in town centres across the region. For the avoidance of doubt this particular consultation is restricted to parking in town centres and this particular survey is for businesses only. There is a separate survey for residents. The statutory responsibility for the enforcement of on-street parking regulations in the Scottish Borders currently lies with Police... More
    Closed 31 May 2024
  • Scottish Borders Council & NHS Borders BSL Plan 2024 to 2030

    The Council and NHS Borders have put together their BSL Plan for 2024 to 2030 and we are interested in your views. There have been 3 face to face consultations and comments made at these meetings have been incorporated into the BSL Plan. Link to BSL Translation: More
    Closed 27 May 2024
  • Tweedbank Expansion & Neighbouring Communities - Active Travel Routes

    We want to hear about your experiences and views relating to the existing active travel network shown within the area on the map below which covers Tweedbank and the neighbouring communities. The term 'active travel' refers to journeys made by modes of transport that are fully or partially people-powered, for any journey. It includes walking, people using wheelchairs, cycling (including e-bikes) to name a few. Active travel brings many benefits, including reduced congestion... More
    Closed 10 May 2024
  • For residents - Consultation on food provision in the Scottish Borders

    Residents Survey - Consultation on food provision in the Scottish Borders The purpose of the consultation is to identify people’s current situation in relation to food poverty, with the aim of making access to food easier for people. Feedback provided will; Feed into subsequent food strategy and Good Food Nation Act. Identify the food needs of residents. Inform what food services are currently on offer and aims to avoid... More
    Closed 1 May 2024
  • For organisations - Consultation on food provision in the Scottish Borders

    Organisations Survey - Consultation on food provision in the Scottish Borders The purpose of the consultation is to identify local organisations and community groups current situation in relation to food provision and services that they deliver. Feedback provided will; Feed into subsequent food strategy and Good Food Nation Act. Inform what food services are currently on offer and aims to avoid duplication of services. Use data to better signpost to services. Help... More
    Closed 30 April 2024
  • East Station Office, Peebles Asset Transfer Request

    An asset transfer request has been made to Scottish Borders Council under Part 5 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015. The request has been made by Peebles Community Trust and relates to East Station Office, Peebles EH45 8DZ (known locally as Old Railway Building). The request and accompanying documents are available for public consultation. Comments must be made, including the name and address of the respondent, in writing by 29 April 2024. You... More
    Closed 29 April 2024
  • Berwickshire Coastal Change Adaptation Plan

    Scottish Borders Council is consulting on the draft Berwickshire Coastal Change Adaptation Plan (BCCAP). This plan provides policies to sustainably manage life on the coast. It indicates how and when we should adapt our approaches over time as conditions change. We would like your views to help us develop the plans and policies within BCCAP. The BCCAP will be taken forward and used for future coastal management and to inform other development on the coast. What is a Coastal Change... More
    Closed 23 March 2024
  • Daytime opportunities for older adults with advanced care needs based in Eildon -2024

    The Scottish Borders Health and Social Care Partnership is currently reviewing the social and respite opportunities that are available to older adults and those with advanced care needs. Engagement recently carried out by the Partnership in Teviot and Liddesdale showed that there are many social opportunities available such as lunch clubs, walking groups, men’s sheds etc. but that many of these activities were not able to support those with personal care needs. The engagement... More
    Closed 17 March 2024
  • Z - Closed -Provision of Early Learning & Childcare (ELC) Parent Consultation 2024

    Local Authorities in Scotland are required to consult with parents every 2 years, to support their planning for the delivery of Early Learning and Childcare (ELC). This questionnaire is aimed at parents/carers whose children will access ELC provision in the future and those currently accessing ELC provision. It is also useful for the Council to consult with parents /carers whose children are now at Primary School. If you are responding as a parent/carer who previously accessed ELC... More
    Closed 10 March 2024
  • Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy Consultation 2024

    The Scottish Borders Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) sets out our vision and goals for energy efficiency in all buildings across the Scottish Borders over the next five years, 2024-2029. The draft documents will develop and be subject to change, and we want people to share their views on our proposed vision, outcomes, key actions and energy efficiency issues. We are interested in finding out the views of anyone living or wishing to live in the Scottish Borders, as... More
    Closed 8 March 2024
  • Website survey

    We have recently refreshed our website and would welcome the feedback of users. More
    Closed 29 February 2024
  • Financial Inclusion User Satisfaction to 20 Feb 2024

    This survey is for customers who have received advice, assistance or support from the Financial Inclusion Team at Scottish Borders Council. More
    Closed 20 February 2024
  • Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places 2023

    In line with the requirements of Section 18C of the Representation of the People Act 1983, Scottish Borders Council is undertaking a review of polling districts and polling places for use in parliamentary and local elections. The aim of the Review is to ensure: (1) a ll electors in the Scottish Borders have as reasonable facilities for voting as are possible in the circumstances; and (2) so far as is reasonable and possible every polling place... More
    Closed 12 February 2024
  • Budget Survey 2024/25

    Our financial plans support the delivery of our strategic ambitions, as set out in the Council Plan. An updated Council Plan will be presented with the Council’s financial plans in February 2024. We expect the updated Council Plan to continue with the themes of the existing Council Plan. These provide a strong framework for identifying our priorities. The themes are: Clean, green future Fulfilling our potential Strong inclusive economy,... More
    Closed 31 January 2024
  • Berwickshire Coastal Path 2024

    Scottish Borders Council is seeking feedback on the current condition of the path and views on its future, including its alignment, taking into consideration the continued threat of erosion. The survey will inform the next stages of a project aiming to develop a longer term plan for the path which protects and enhances it whilst continuing to allow for adaption as and when required. The Berwickshire Coast is known for its dramatic clifftop scenery, quaint coastal villages and rare... More
    Closed 31 January 2024
  • Proposed lease of the Old Corn Exchange Shop, High Street, Peebles

    Scottish Borders Council has received a request for the lease of the Old Corn Exchange Shop, Peebles High Street that will result in a change of use from a class 1 use to a hot food takeaway. Under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 the local authority is required to consult with the local community when there is a proposal to change the use of Common Good property. The lease applicant is Tweeddale Youth Action who are proposing to expand their existing Food Punks... More
    Closed 29 January 2024
  • Play Area Improvements - Roxburgh Play Park

    SBC is investing over £4 million in Play Areas and Outdoor Community Spaces over a seven year period. The intention is to improve community wellbeing and enhance outdoor activity for children and young people inclusive of all levels of ability. SBC currently has 187 play parks ranging from smaller local areas of play to destination play parks. A programme of investment has been developed based on previous improvements to play areas and community spaces to provide children and young people... More
    Closed 8 January 2024
213 results. Page 1 of 8