Taxi Fare Review 2024

Closed 21 Jul 2024

Opened 24 Jun 2024


Scottish Borders Council reviews taxi fares every 18 months and must consult with operators and members of the public on any proposals to change the taxi fare tariff.

The council uses a formula which was agreed between the trade, the traffic commissioner and the council to determine variations in taxi rates.

The last review was concluded on the 22nd of August 2019. A further review was due to be held in 2021 however operational pressures and the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic delayed the review. Please accept our sincerest apologies for this.

Copy of letter sent to operators is below:

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Why your views matter

As part of the review process, we are required to invite all licensed taxi operators and members of the public asked to comment on the draft proposal to increase taxi fares by 14.9%, your views will be included in the report to Elected members.

The calculation from September 2023 has resulted in an overall +14.9% (plus fourteen point nine percent) variation in the indicators over the current 12 month period.  

Current Schedule

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Proposed Schedule

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What it means table 

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  • Civil and public servants
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  • Employees
  • Homeless people
  • Jobseekers
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender people (LGBT)
  • Low income households
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  • Scottish Government departments
  • Services/Utilities
  • Taxi Licence holders
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  • Local Government