z - Closed - Nursery lunch consultation for parents/carers 2022

Closed 22 May 2022

Opened 9 May 2022


We are evaluating lunches in local authority Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) settings, this survey is for parents/carers of children accessing funded ELC in a nursery run by Scottish Borders Council.

The expansion of ELC, which was fully implemented in Scottish Borders in August 2020, includes an offer of a free meal recognising that eating well is essential for children in their early years. In ELC, settings support children to have positive eating experiences and enjoy well-balanced, nutritious food.

The key elements of a high quality learning lunch experience are:

  • Relaxed, comfortable approach and environment
  • Family-like experience
  • Children sitting together in small groups
  • Staff sitting and eating with children
  • Unhurried lunch
  • Children self-serving
  • A rich learning experience
  • Staff supporting the child to have a positive experience

Why your views matter

We are aware COVID restrictions have impacted on the way that lunch times have been operating in schools and nurseries but as restrictions start to ease, the Council’s central Early Years team is seeking the views of parents, children and staff on what works well and what improvements could be made to enhance the lunch time experience for nursery children.

We would appreciate your views from this short survey.

What happens next

Responses will be analysed and will help inform future planning for lunches in nurseries


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  • Carers
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  • Older people
  • Parents/carers
  • People with disabilities
  • People with long term conditions
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  • All staff


  • Children and Young People