Z - Closed -Provision of Early Learning & Childcare (ELC) Parent Consultation 2024

Closed 10 Mar 2024

Opened 22 Jan 2024


Local Authorities in Scotland are required to consult with parents every 2 years, to support their planning for the delivery of Early Learning and Childcare (ELC).  This questionnaire is aimed at parents/carers whose children will access ELC provision in the future and those currently accessing ELC provision.  It is also useful for the Council to consult with parents /carers whose children are now at Primary School.  If you are responding as a parent/carer who previously accessed ELC provision, please respond to the questions based on your experience.

In Scottish Borders, ELC is provided in school nurseries and by private nurseries, playgroups, childminders.

All 3 and 4 year olds, and some 2 year olds (those who meet the eligibility criteria), can access up to 1140 hours of free Early Learning and Childcare, depending on when their birth dates are. That works out at about 30 hours a week if you use it during school term-time, or around 23 hours a week if you use it across the whole year.

For more information, visit:

Parent Club

What is Early Learning and Childcare?

Apply for an eligible two year old place


Why your views matter

This questionnaire is designed to help Scottish Borders identify what the needs of families are, to support their planning of ELC services. Whilst the Council is not able to meet the individual needs of every family, your response is important to help us assess need, identify gaps and plan future provision. 

The survey is anonymous and your answers will remain confidential.  Information in this survey will be dealt with in accordance with Scottish Borders Council’s Data Protection Policies.

However, if you would be willing to be involved in any further discussions relating to this consultation, we will ask you to provide your name and email address at the end of the survey.

If you have any questions, please contact the Councils Early Years Team at; earlyyearsteamed@scotborders.gov.uk or on 01835 824000

What happens next

The Council has a statutory duty to publish their plan for the delivery of ELC at least once every 2 years. Under section 50(1)(b) of the 2014 Act education authorities must have regard to the views expressed by parents/carers and the views expressed in this consultation will help inform the Council’s Plan, due to be published later in the year.


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  • Early Years