234 results
School Brae Public Toilets, Peebles: Asset Transfer Request
An asset transfer request has been made to Scottish Borders Council under Part 5 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015. The request has been made by Peebles Community Trust and relates to the School Brae Public Toilets, Peebles EH45 8AT. The request and accompanying documents are available for public consultation. Comments must be made, including the name and address of the respondent, in writing by 6 April 2025. You may do this by: ... MoreOpened 10 March 2025 -
Destination Tweed - Peebles - Priorsford Bridge to Fotheringham Bridge
The Destination Tweed river restoration project is led by Tweed Forum and has been developed in collaboration with multiple partners. Scottish Borders Council (SBC) are leading on delivery of the River Tweed Trail which is creating a long distance, largely off-road path from Moffat to Berwick-upon-Tweed . The trail will allow local people and visitors to explore and enjoy the River Tweed and its wider catchment area. Where possible, the trail is being designed and developed to... MoreOpened 6 March 2025 -
Play Area Improvements - The Loaning, Denholm Play Park
SBC is investing over £4 million in Play Areas and Outdoor Community Spaces over a seven year period. The intention is to improve community wellbeing and enhance outdoor activity for children and young people inclusive of all levels of ability. SBC currently has 187 play parks ranging from smaller local areas of play to destination play parks. A programme of investment has been developed based on previous improvements to play areas and community spaces to provide children and young people... MoreOpened 6 March 2025 -
Scottish Borders Council - Commercial and Industrial Property Questionnaire
The survey is intended to determine the demand from businesses in the region for business premises and, in particular, the quality and size of premises. There is currently a lot of demand for properties owned by the Council, so it is hoped that the provision of new, better quality business units will encourage businesses to stay in the Borders and expand. MoreOpened 10 February 2025 -
Sport and Physical Activity Strategy
Working with partners from the public, private and voluntary sector, Scottish Borders Council provides and supports opportunities for sport and physical activity across the Borders, these range from the provision of sports facilities and exercise referral programmes, to walking groups and physical education lessons within schools. Through this partnership the Council aims to achieve positive health outcomes through increased participation in sport and physical activity. ... MoreOpened 7 February 2025 -
Consultation Report- Statutory Consultation- Proposal for Closure of Wilton Centre, Hawick
Please find below The Consultation Report for the Statutory Consultation on the Proposal for the Permanent closure of The Wilton Centre (also known as The Arches), Hawick, which was in run in accordance with The Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 (As Amended). The purpose of this Consultation was to seek opinions on the Proposal for the permanent closure of The Wilton Centre (also known as The Arches), Hawick. The building is currently temporarily closed. In May and June of 2024... MoreOpened 28 January 2025 -
Review of SBC Community Council Scheme 2025
Community Councils are voluntary organisations set up by statute by the Local Authority to act on behalf of their areas. They are involved in a range of activities which promote and protect the well-being and identity of their communities; and help bring local people together to make things happen. They advise, petition, influence and advocate numerous causes and cases of concern on behalf of local communities. All local authorities must provide a Scheme for... MoreOpened 24 January 2025 -
Burnfoot Community Survey
Scottish Borders Community Planning Partnership (CPP) is developing a number of locality-based plans across the Borders. These Locality Plans are requirement for Community Planning Partnerships under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015. The Locality Plans will set out the priorities for the areas in which they are based. The first of these new plans is being developed in Burnfoot. There has been a lot of work carried out in Burnfoot to help organisations such as the... MoreOpened 17 January 2025 -
Holidays and In Service days for the academic years: 2026/27, 2027/28 and 2028/29
The Council is seeking your views on the school holidays and In Service days for future academic years 2026/27 to 2028/29; ending June 2029. The purpose of this consultation is to set out our proposal for the school holiday/closure dates for the next 3 years from 2025/26. When reviewing the school holidays we have followed the following key principles: Alignment of holidays across all schools as much as possible whilst allowing some flexibility for individual... MoreOpened 6 January 2025 -
Scottish Borders Council Budget Consultation for 2025-26
The Scottish Borders is a picturesque rural region of rolling hills, historic towns, and huge character. But our population is ageing, and more and more people need the help and support of Scottish Borders Council. Our costs are continuing to rise, and our funding isn't keeping up with demand and other pressures. As a result, we expect to have a gap of around £50m over the next 10 years in the money the Council estimates ought to be to spent on delivering services. MoreOpened 20 December 2024 -
Taxi-Bus User Journey Survey 2024
Thank you taking the time to complete this survey as part of the Scottish Borders Bus Network Review. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. This survey is part of a wider engagement activity to gain a deeper understanding of why people use the taxi-bus service and any benefits it provides. Taxi-bus services provide demand-responsive public transport links to areas where conventional bus service are not available. As the service is 'on-demand' they... MoreOpened 9 December 2024 -
Scott's Place toilets
Following contact from Scottish Borders Council with community-based organisations in the Selkirk, Selkirk General Store has approached SBC with a proposal to purchase the toilet block and use it as a re-use hub. SBC has no plans to re-open the toilets. The ‘wee’ reuse hub will prevent items such as bric-a-brac, hardware and textile from ending up as waste and going to landfill. It is anticipated that items will be available by donation or free if the person needs and... MoreOpened 9 December 2024 -
Replacement CCTV System
Scottish Borders Council currently operates CCTV systems in Duns, Eyemouth, Galashiels, Hawick, Kelso, Melrose and Peebles. These systems and technology are antiquated and a project to replace the current cameras was approved to commence in Summer 2024. Scottish Borders Council identified resource to sustain the new system over the next 10 years, with the 65 cameras across the seven towns directly replaced with the equivelent number of units, with enhanced... MoreOpened 20 November 2024 -
Duns Park & Bluidy Burn Flood Risk Management
The area from Duns Park to Clockmill is a popular amenity area used by the residents of Duns for walking and leisure activities. Over the last 20 years, as the climate has changed, the area now suffers more frequently from flooding and saturated ground due to changes in rainfall. Often this sees the west end of Duns Park waterlogged for long periods and unusable at various time in the year. The board walk which forms the footpath through the wetland nature reserve is also... MoreOpened 5 November 2024 -
Stow Public Toilets Asset Transfer Request
An asset transfer request has been made to Scottish Borders Council under Part 5 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015. The request has been made by Stow Community Trust to purchase the public toilets (closed), Edinburgh Road, Stow TD1 2QU. SBC has no plans to reopen the public toilets at this site. The request and accompanying documents are available for public consultation. Comments must be made, including the name and address of the respondent,... MoreOpened 2 November 2024 -
Gala Policies User Survey
The Gala Policies is an area of woodland in Galashiels nestled between Gala Academy, Scott Park, Balmoral and the Hollybush Road. The site was formerly the grounds of New Gala House which was purchased by the council in 1974, and the Scott family vacated the house in 1976. The house thereafter was allowed to fall into disrepair and, despite being a Grade B listed building, it had to be demolished on safety grounds in 1983. It has subsequently become an importan t green... MoreOpened 1 November 2024 -
Statutory Consultation - Proposal for Permanent closure of The Wilton Centre, Hawick
This is a Statutory Consultation in accordance with The Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010 (As Amended). The purpose of this Consultation is to seek opinions on the Proposal for the permanent closure of The Wilton Centre (also known as The Arches), Hawick. The building is currently temporarily closed. In May and June of 2024 there was an informal consultation on the proposal. We received 177 responses which identifed a wide range of views and opinions which need to be... MoreOpened 30 September 2024 -
Tweed Green Pavilion Peebles Consultation
Views are being sought on the suggestion to remove the gates to the Pavilion on Tweed Green to allow it to be used as a seating space, similar to the shelter recently erected in Victoria Park. We propose trialling this for a period of 6 months in the first instance. If you have any views or ideas on this, please let us know. MoreOpened 18 September 2024 -
Haylodge depot change of use and lease disposal
Peebles Common Good Fund Subcommittee are proposing to offer Peebles and District Men’s Shed a 10 year lease for Haylodge depot. The previous consultation on Haylodge depot was carried out to gather public opinion on the future use of Haylodge depot; whether to lease to the Men’s Shed below market rent or to a business at market rent to deliver continued income to the Peebles Common Good fund. The public overwhelmingly voted to support the Men's Shed. A... MoreOpened 18 September 2024 -
Instrumental Instruction New Start Form 2024-2025
After consultation with your Music Instructor this form should be completed for pupils wishing to start instrumental instruction Only one pupil per form please. Please note, all pupils will be exempt from charges for the year 2024-2025 as the Scottish Government have agreed to continue funding instrumental music tuition fees. The information provided within this form will be held by Scottish Borders Council for the purpose described. It will be retained for duration of your... MoreOpened 12 August 2024 -
Play Area Improvements - St Abbs Play Park
SBC is investing over £4 million in Play Areas and Outdoor Community Spaces over a seven year period. The intention is to improve community wellbeing and enhance outdoor activity for children and young people inclusive of all levels of ability. SBC currently has 187 play parks ranging from smaller local areas of play to destination play parks. A programme of investment has been developed based on previous improvements to play areas and community spaces to provide children and young people... MoreOpened 6 August 2024 -
Lease of Derek Ramage Pavilion
Hawick United Football Club (HUFC) have applied to Scottish Borders Council for a 20-year lease on the Derek Ramage Pavilion in Wilton Park, which they have been using for the past two year through a short-term lease. A longer term lease will enable the Club to access grants to upgrade the facility. Before granting a new lease, we are seeking the views of the local community to make sure that there is support for this proposal. Comments may be made, including your... MoreOpened 16 July 2024 -
Play Area Improvements - Broughton Play Park
SBC is investing over £4 million in Play Areas and Outdoor Community Spaces over a seven year period. The intention is to improve community wellbeing and enhance outdoor activity for children and young people inclusive of all levels of ability. SBC currently has 187 play parks ranging from smaller local areas of play to destination play parks. A programme of investment has been developed based on previous improvements to play areas and community spaces to provide children and young people... MoreOpened 3 July 2024 -
Taxi Fare Review 2024
Scottish Borders Council reviews taxi fares every 18 months and must consult with operators and members of the public on any proposals to change the taxi fare tariff. The council uses a formula which was agreed between the trade, the traffic commissioner and the council to determine variations in taxi rates. The last review was concluded on the 22 nd of August 2019. A further review was due to be held in 2021 however operational pressures and the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic delayed... MoreOpened 24 June 2024 -
Instrumental Instruction Continuation Form 2024-2025
This form should be completed for pupils currently receiving instrumental instruction Only one pupil per form please. Please note, all pupils will be exempt from charges for the year 2024-2025 as the Scottish Government have agreed to continue funding instrumental music tuition fees. The information provided within this form will be held by Scottish Borders Council for the purpose described. It will be retained for duration of your child's music tuition and for three months... MoreOpened 17 June 2024 -
Self Build Housing Register
Self-build housing is where an individual (whether acting alone or with other individuals) commissions or is personally involved in the design and construction of a dwelling that is intended to be the individual’s main residence once it is built. Understanding the demand for self-provided housing is important for both evidence gathering for the plan-making and decision-making. This list will help a planning authority understand more about the demand for self-build plots... MoreOpened 1 June 2024 -
Destination Tweed - Peebles - Gytes Leisure Centre to Fotheringham Bridge
The Destination Tweed Project is led by Tweed Forum and developed in collaboration with multiple partners. Scottish Borders Council (SBC) are leading on delivering the River Tweed Trail element which is looking to create an attractive and accessible route along the length of the River Tweed, from source to sea, for walkers and cyclists of all ages and abilities. The route, largely off-road, will allow both tourists and locals to explore and enjoy the wider area as well as the heritage of... MoreOpened 25 May 2024 -
Linglie Farm
Disposal of Linglie Farm Cottages and Small field Under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, the Local Authority is required to consult with the local community when there is a proposal to dispose of Common Good property. Selkirk Common Good fund are proposing to transfer ownership of the two small cottages at Linglie farm and the 0.82 acre field to the rear of the cottages to the current farm tenant. The tenant at Linglie farm wishes to retire and end the... MoreOpened 22 May 2024 -
Scottish Borders Council & NHS Borders BSL Plan 2024 to 2030
The Council and NHS Borders have put together their BSL Plan for 2024 to 2030 and we are interested in your views. There have been 3 face to face consultations and comments made at these meetings have been incorporated into the BSL Plan. Link to BSL Translation: https://vimeo.com/945786516/af94a9708d?share=copy MoreOpened 14 May 2024 -
Future use of Haylodge Depot, Peebles
Your opinion matters Haylodge Depot is part of Peebles Common Good. The most recent lease generated a rental income of £9500 per annum for Peebles Common Good Fund. This fund offers grants to local projects and uses funds to carry out works in the town that benefit the community. The lease has recently been terminated and the building is currently unoccupied. We would like to know your views on how the building is used next. Peebles & District... MoreOpened 10 May 2024
234 results.
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