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6 results

  • Lease of Derek Ramage Pavilion

    Hawick United Football Club (HUFC) have applied to Scottish Borders Council for a 20-year lease on the Derek Ramage Pavilion in Wilton Park, which they have been using for the past two year through a short-term lease. A longer term lease will enable the Club to access grants to upgrade the facility. Before granting a new lease, we are seeking the views of the local community to make sure that there is support for this proposal. Comments may be made, including your... More
    Opened 16 July 2024
  • Play Area Improvements - Broughton Play Park

    SBC is investing over £4 million in Play Areas and Outdoor Community Spaces over a seven year period. The intention is to improve community wellbeing and enhance outdoor activity for children and young people inclusive of all levels of ability. SBC currently has 187 play parks ranging from smaller local areas of play to destination play parks. A programme of investment has been developed based on previous improvements to play areas and community spaces to provide children and young people... More
    Opened 3 July 2024
  • Instrumental Instruction Continuation Form 2024-2025

    This form should be completed for pupils currently receiving instrumental instruction Only one pupil per form please. Please note, all pupils will be exempt from charges for the year 2024-2025 as the Scottish Government have agreed to continue funding instrumental music tuition fees. The information provided within this form will be held by Scottish Borders Council for the purpose described. It will be retained for duration of your child's music tuition and for three months... More
    Opened 17 June 2024
  • Self Build Housing Register

    Self-build housing is where an individual (whether acting alone or with other individuals) commissions or is personally involved in the design and construction of a dwelling that is intended to be the individual’s main residence once it is built. Understanding the demand for self-provided housing is important for both evidence gathering for the plan-making and decision-making. This list will help a planning authority understand more about the demand for self-build plots... More
    Opened 1 June 2024
  • Have Your Say - Placemaking and Community Engagement Sign Up

    The way we are engaging with our residents is changing - and we want you to have your say Placemaking is a process of community engagement where the opinions and desires of the community are used to inform the future of the places we live, work and play - and by getting involved and telling us what matters to you, we can make sure the voices of all Scottish Borders residents are heard. Sign up to receive updates from Scottish Borders Council on community engagement events in your... More
    Opened 24 February 2022
  • Children & Families Social Work Exit Survey

    This survey is to help us to understand what our involvement has felt like for you and your family and will be used to help us consider whether there are things we could do differently. This survey is asking about your experience of working with Children and Families’ social work More
    Opened 29 October 2019
6 results. Page 1 of 1