Community Insights into Alcohol Impact and Licensing in Scottish Borders

Closed 16 Jul 2023

Opened 25 May 2023


Scottish Borders Licensing Board will be reassessing their Alcohol Licensing Policy Statement over the next few months. This policy will apply for 5 years.  This survey offers a chance to communities to influence the development of this policy. 
Your experience and opinions about the impact of alcohol in your community is highly influential. 

Scottish Borders Local Licensing Forum have a role in identifying any key licensing issues and providing advice to the  Licensing Board.  The Local Licensing Forum the would like to capture your views by inviting you to complete this brief survey. Your responses are confidential, and your identity will be unknown unless you give explicit permission at the end of the survey. 

Thank you.

Scottish Borders Licensing Forum
Any queries should be directed to:


  • All Areas


  • Carers
  • Children and Young People
  • Civil and public servants
  • Councillors
  • Elected Members
  • Employees
  • Homeless people
  • Jobseekers
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender people (LGBT)
  • Low income households
  • Men
  • Minority Ethnic groups
  • Older people
  • Parents/carers
  • People with disabilities
  • People with long term conditions
  • Professionals
  • Residents
  • Road users
  • Students
  • Teaching/education staff
  • Visitors
  • Volunteers
  • Women
  • Amenity groups
  • Architects/designers
  • Built heritage groups
  • Businesses
  • Developers/investors
  • Development planning key agencies
  • Education institutions
  • External councils
  • Housing associations
  • Landowners
  • Licence holders
  • Planning consultants
  • Professional bodies
  • Scottish Government departments
  • Services/Utilities
  • Taxi Licence holders
  • Transport groups
  • Catering businesses
  • Community councils
  • Community group
  • Sports group
  • Third Sector
  • Voluntary Sector
  • All staff


  • Children and Young People
  • Older people
  • Community Resilience
  • Community Safety