Eildon Area Partnership Meeting Times
Feedback updated 19 Feb 2020
We asked
What time would best suit you for the Eilson Area Partnership meeting on 27 February to take place?
You said
16 people responded - thank you.
We did
The time that suits most people is tea and coffee from 5:30pm with the meeting starting at 6pm at Earlston Primary School.
Further information is available here on the Council's website.
We are looking to the find the most apporiate time for the Eildon Area Partnership meeting taking place on Thursday 27th Feb in Earlston.
- Eildon - Darnick & Gattonside
- Eildon - Earlston
- Eildon - Galashiels
- Eildon - Lauder
- Eildon - Melrose & Newstead
- Eildon - Newtown St Boswells
- Eildon - Rural
- Eildon - Selkirk
- Eildon - Stow
- Eildon - Tweedbank
- Carers
- Children and Young People
- Civil and public servants
- Councillors
- Elected Members
- Employees
- Homeless people
- Jobseekers
- Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender people (LGBT)
- Low income households
- Men
- Minority Ethnic groups
- Older people
- Parents/carers
- People with disabilities
- People with long term conditions
- Professionals
- Residents
- Road users
- Students
- Teaching/education staff
- Visitors
- Volunteers
- Women
- Amenity groups
- Architects/designers
- Built heritage groups
- Businesses
- Developers/investors
- Development planning key agencies
- Education institutions
- External councils
- Housing associations
- Landowners
- Licence holders
- Planning consultants
- Professional bodies
- Scottish Government departments
- Services/Utilities
- Taxi Licence holders
- Transport groups
- Catering businesses
- Community councils
- Community group
- Sports group
- Third Sector
- Voluntary Sector
- All staff
- Children and Young People
- Early Years
- Education
- Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender people (LGBT)
- Libraries
- Older people
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