Replacement CCTV System
Scottish Borders Council currently operates CCTV systems in Duns, Eyemouth, Galashiels, Hawick, Kelso, Melrose and Peebles. These systems and technology are antiquated and a project to replace the current cameras was approved to commence in Summer 2024.
Scottish Borders Council identified resource to sustain the new system over the next 10 years, with the 65 cameras across the seven towns directly replaced with the equivelent number of units, with enhanced functionality effectively increasing the camera coverage in each area.
Initial survey work has been carried out, with fibre cabling to support the new system installation under way.
Scottish Borders Council's Safer Communities Team, Emergency Planning and Project Officers have worked closely with Police Scotland to understand the areas of incident in the towns, and have worked with the supplier to maximise the coverage in the town centres for crime prevention and public safety.
This consultation invites you to view the positions of the new camera system and comment on the proposals.
- Berwickshire - Duns
- Berwickshire - Eyemouth
- Cheviot - Kelso
- Eildon - Galashiels
- Eildon - Melrose & Newstead
- Teviot & Liddesdale - Hawick
- Tweeddale - Peebles
- Carers
- Children and Young People
- Civil and public servants
- Councillors
- Elected Members
- Employees
- Homeless people
- Jobseekers
- Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender people (LGBT)
- Low income households
- Men
- Minority Ethnic groups
- Older people
- Parents/carers
- People with disabilities
- People with long term conditions
- Professionals
- Residents
- Road users
- Students
- Teaching/education staff
- Visitors
- Volunteers
- Women
- Amenity groups
- Architects/designers
- Built heritage groups
- Businesses
- Developers/investors
- Development planning key agencies
- Education institutions
- External councils
- Housing associations
- Landowners
- Licence holders
- Planning consultants
- Professional bodies
- Scottish Government departments
- Services/Utilities
- Taxi Licence holders
- Transport groups
- Catering businesses
- Community councils
- Community group
- Sports group
- Third Sector
- Voluntary Sector
- All staff
- Transport
- Community Resilience
- Community Safety
- Community Justice
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