Scottish Borders Council & NHS Borders BSL Plan 2024 to 2030

Closed 27 May 2024

Opened 14 May 2024

Results expected 3 Jun 2024

Feedback updated 4 Jun 2024

We asked

We asked

For feedback on the proposed actions in the Scottish Borders Council, and NHS Borders British Sign Language (BSL) Plan.

The local BSL plan contribute to the National BSL Plan  which aims to make Scotland the best place in the world for (British Sign Language) BSL users to live, learn, work and visit.

You said

You said

The actions proposed by Scottish Borders Council and NHS Borders, were right for the Scottish Borders.

We did

We did

Used the feedback to finalise the Scottish Borders Council & NHS Borders local BSL Plans.


The Council and NHS Borders have put together their BSL Plan for 2024 to 2030 and we are interested in your views. There have been 3 face to face consultations and comments made at these meetings have been incorporated into the BSL Plan. 

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Link to BSL Translation:

Why your views matter

We want to hear your views on the proposed actions contained within the BSL Plan 

What happens next

The outcome of the outline consultation will be published on the Council's and NHS Borders webpage and the views will help shape the BSL Plan for the next 6 years. 


  • All Areas


  • Carers
  • Children and Young People
  • Civil and public servants
  • Councillors
  • Elected Members
  • Employees
  • Homeless people
  • Jobseekers
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender people (LGBT)
  • Low income households
  • Men
  • Minority Ethnic groups
  • Older people
  • Parents/carers
  • People with disabilities
  • People with long term conditions
  • Professionals
  • Residents
  • Road users
  • Students
  • Teaching/education staff
  • Visitors
  • Volunteers
  • Women
  • Amenity groups
  • Architects/designers
  • Built heritage groups
  • Businesses
  • Developers/investors
  • Development planning key agencies
  • Education institutions
  • External councils
  • Housing associations
  • Landowners
  • Licence holders
  • Planning consultants
  • Professional bodies
  • Scottish Government departments
  • Services/Utilities
  • Taxi Licence holders
  • Transport groups
  • Catering businesses
  • Community councils
  • Community group
  • Sports group
  • Third Sector
  • Voluntary Sector
  • All staff


  • Children and Young People