Stow Public Toilets Asset Transfer Request
An asset transfer request has been made to Scottish Borders Council under Part 5 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015.
The request has been made by Stow Community Trust to purchase the public toilets (closed), Edinburgh Road, Stow TD1 2QU. SBC has no plans to reopen the public toilets at this site.
The request and accompanying documents are available for public consultation.
Comments must be made, including the name and address of the respondent, in writing by 2 December 2024. You may do this by:
- completing this form,
- emailing your comments to, or
- posting your comments to:
The Communities & Partnerships Team, Scottish Borders Council, Newtown St Boswells, MELROSE TD6 0SA
The next pages contain:
- the public notice,
- the completed asset transfer request form,
- document(s) accompanying the request form, and
- the letter of acknowledgement.
- Eildon - Stow
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