Play Area Improvements - The Loaning, Denholm Play Park
SBC is investing over £4 million in Play Areas and Outdoor Community Spaces over a seven year period. The intention is to improve community wellbeing and enhance outdoor activity for children and young people inclusive of all levels of ability. SBC currently has 187 play parks ranging from smaller local areas of play to destination play parks. A programme of investment has been developed based on previous improvements to play areas and community spaces to provide children and young people with meaningful play opportunities. To help ensure this is achieved, play areas will include items that are accessible for all such as wheelchair roundabouts, trampolines, ramped multi plays, basket swings and play panels.
Activity is already underway to develop play areas in various sites across the Scottish Borders. The play area situated at The Loaning, Denholm is due for refurbishment through the 2025/26 programme. This survey is to find out what improvements people would like to see in this play area.
The online consultation is being run alongside a series of face to face community events in Denholm.
Why your views matter
SBC would like your views of how the play areas can be improved to help shape the future of these play areas for children and young people. We are now holding a public consultation to seek the views of the community as to what play equipment they would like to see installed in this area.
Give us your views
- Teviot & Liddesdale - Denholm
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