Galashiels Academy Consultation Report June 2023

Closed 27 Jun 2023

Opened 6 Jun 2023

Results expected 29 Jun 2023


In March 2023, Scottish Borders Council commenced a statutory consultation on a proposal to relocate Galashiels Academy. The consultation ran until 12 May 2023.

Scottish Borders Council has prepared a Consultation Report detailing the Consultation process and summarising and responding to the comments and issues raised during the consultation period. This report can be accessed below.

Scottish Borders Council is now seeking your views regarding the proposal and the Consultation Report, as well as seeking alternative suggestions to the proposal.

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Why your views matter

Scottish Borders Council are keen to hear your views regarding their proposal to relocate Galashiels Academy. The Council has been working on its plans for the replacement of the school for a number of years and your views will form part of the final decision making process.

This consultation has been undertaken in accordance with the provisions of the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010, as amended.


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