Mental Health Transformation 2018
We are undertaking a process of consultation to consider how our mental health service should be delivered to ensure it is fit for purpose for the future.
As part of this work, we are keen to gather your views, we have already undertaken a number of workshops across the Borders but realise that some people were unable to attend these, we are therefore offering this survey as an additional opportunity for people to provide their thoughts and ideas about the future delivery of mental health services.
Please provide as much information as possible in your responses and also feel free to add creative and innovative ideas you may have.
The responses received will be added to the information already gathered and used to develop a plan which will be shared towards the end of March 2018, once agreed, this will then be presented to the Integrated Joint Board
- All Areas
- Carers
- Children and Young People
- Civil and public servants
- Councillors
- Elected Members
- Employees
- Homeless people
- Jobseekers
- Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender people (LGBT)
- Low income households
- Men
- Minority Ethnic groups
- Older people
- Parents/carers
- People with disabilities
- People with long term conditions
- Professionals
- Residents
- Road users
- Students
- Teaching/education staff
- Visitors
- Volunteers
- Women
- Amenity groups
- Architects/designers
- Built heritage groups
- Businesses
- Developers/investors
- Development planning key agencies
- Education institutions
- External councils
- Housing associations
- Landowners
- Licence holders
- Planning consultants
- Professional bodies
- Scottish Government departments
- Services/Utilities
- Taxi Licence holders
- Transport groups
- Community councils
- Community group
- Sports group
- Third Sector
- Voluntary Sector
- Children and Young People
- Early Years
- Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender people (LGBT)
- Older people
- People with disabilities
- People with long term conditions
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