Night Support Service Consultation October 2023

Closed 3 Dec 2023

Opened 30 Oct 2023


As you will have read in the national news, the pressure on care services nationally, is already taking its toll and this is likely to increase.  Due to this unprecedented pressure, we need to consider new approaches to service delivery that will provide more efficient and effective care, whilst maintaining safe and good quality services.

For this reason, we are reviewing the way in which we currently provide overnight care in the community. This may include offering alternative times in the form of a dawn and/or twilight visit  (e.g. moving a 2am visit to 11.30pm or moving a 4am visit to 6am) and also consideration of the use of Assistive Technology/ Technology Enabled Care (TEC). By using alternatives such as these a more person-centred approach to care can be promoted which not only increases choice and a sense of control to service users; but improves service user safety by providing constant monitoring and an immediate response if urgent support is required rather than a time-specific face to face visit. Assistive technology/TEC could include items such as alarms, movement sensors, bed sensors and door activation monitors.

It must be noted that an alternative solution to overnight care may not be suitable for all service users such as those who are assessed as requiring critical or palliative care. These service users will continue to receive this assessed support throughout the night.

During September 2022, we trialled differing models of care overnight in the form of a pathfinder within the Peebles locality. All night support service users were fully consulted on the changes to their care delivery. The pathfinder demonstrated that there was no increase in risk or safety to service users. Service users reported that they benefitted from no staff disturbance through the night, and families were supportive of the change with no complaints or concerns raised.

Due to the successful pathfinder in Peebles, in January and February of this year the Council asked for your feedback and views.

240 people responded to the consultation.  The review of the consultation responses to the survey highlighted that there may have been a lack of information provided around the proposal and the alternative provision that would be offered. For this reason, the decision was taken to undertake and evaluate a further pathfinder in another area (Berwickshire) to ensure that there are no detrimental impacts on service users.

The Berwickshire Pathfinder took place during July/August 2023. The process involved 10 current Night Support Service users, whose needs were reviewed for their suitability in using TEC or the option for their overnight visit to be moved to dawn and/or twilight support.

The Pathfinder concluded that many service users were able to have their visit moved to dawn/twilight visits, and only 3 service users were assessed as requiring the ongoing and planned support of the night support service.

These results confirmed that there continues to be a need for some service users with critical support needs to recieve planned care from the night support service. However, this could be provided by fewer teams, who will provide both planned support to those assessed as critical need, and to act as a responder service to provide support with any TEC/Alarm activations. 

Why your views matter

Your views will help inform our decision making.


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  • Older people
  • People with disabilities
  • People with long term conditions