Berwickshire Coastal Change Adaptation Plan

Closed 23 Mar 2024

Opened 24 Feb 2024


Scottish Borders Council is consulting on the draft Berwickshire Coastal Change Adaptation Plan (BCCAP). This plan provides policies to sustainably manage life on the coast. It indicates how and when we should adapt our approaches over time as conditions change.

We would like your views to help us develop the plans and policies within BCCAP. The BCCAP will be taken forward and used for future coastal management and to inform other development on the coast.

What is a Coastal Change Adaptation Plan?

It provides a large-scale assessment of the risks associated with coastal processes. It takes account of other existing planning initiatives and legislative requirements. It sets policy only for coastal management and aims to provide the context to, and influence, management decisions in other sectors.



  • Berwickshire - Ayton
  • Berwickshire - Chirnside
  • Berwickshire - Coldingham
  • Berwickshire - Coldstream
  • Berwickshire - Duns
  • Berwickshire - Eyemouth
  • Berwickshire - Greenlaw
  • Berwickshire - Rural
  • Berwickshire-Rural


  • Carers
  • Children and Young People
  • Civil and public servants
  • Councillors
  • Elected Members
  • Employees
  • Homeless people
  • Jobseekers
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender people (LGBT)
  • Low income households
  • Men
  • Minority Ethnic groups
  • Older people
  • Parents/carers
  • People with disabilities
  • People with long term conditions
  • Professionals
  • Residents
  • Road users
  • Students
  • Teaching/education staff
  • Visitors
  • Volunteers
  • Women
  • Amenity groups
  • Architects/designers
  • Built heritage groups
  • Businesses
  • Developers/investors
  • Development planning key agencies
  • Education institutions
  • External councils
  • Housing associations
  • Landowners
  • Licence holders
  • Planning consultants
  • Professional bodies
  • Scottish Government departments
  • Services/Utilities
  • Taxi Licence holders
  • Transport groups
  • Catering businesses
  • Community councils
  • Community group
  • Sports group
  • Third Sector
  • Voluntary Sector
  • All staff


  • Natural heritage/open space