Kerbside Waste and Recycling 2022

Closed 5 Apr 2022

Opened 9 Mar 2022

Results updated 22 Nov 2022

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Scottish Borders Council is committed to reducing its impact on the environment, and providing services which are fit for the future. We can all play our part to reduce the impact on the environment by the way in which we deal with the waste we produce.

The Council would like to gather information on how residents deal with their household waste, find out what you think of the Council’s kerbside collection services and gather any suggestions you may have on how we can improve our services.

Feedback received from this survey will be considered along with the Council’s statutory duties, financial constraints and priorities.

We would appreciate if you can take a few minutes to complete this survey.


  • All Areas


  • Carers
  • Children and Young People
  • Civil and public servants
  • Councillors
  • Elected Members
  • Employees
  • Homeless people
  • Jobseekers
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender people (LGBT)
  • Low income households
  • Men
  • Minority Ethnic groups
  • Older people
  • Parents/carers
  • People with disabilities
  • People with long term conditions
  • Professionals
  • Residents
  • Road users
  • Students
  • Teaching/education staff
  • Visitors
  • Volunteers
  • Women
  • Amenity groups
  • Architects/designers
  • Built heritage groups
  • Businesses
  • Developers/investors
  • Development planning key agencies
  • Education institutions
  • External councils
  • Housing associations
  • Landowners
  • Licence holders
  • Planning consultants
  • Professional bodies
  • Scottish Government departments
  • Services/Utilities
  • Taxi Licence holders
  • Transport groups
  • Catering businesses
  • Community councils
  • Community group
  • Sports group
  • Third Sector
  • Voluntary Sector
  • All staff


  • Local Government