226 results
Feedback on online Council meetings
Scottish Borders Council is keen to understand the public and media's experience of viewing live broadcasts of online Council meetings following their introduction during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. MoreClosed 31 August 2020 -
CAMHS patient/carer survey
The CAMHs team would welcome your feedback to support the service moving forward in delivering care and treatment to Children & Young People and their families w ithin the Scottish Borders This short anonymous questionnaire will form one part of this process MoreClosed 16 August 2020 -
Transport booking arrangements
Our online transport booking form is currently unavailable. Please make bookings by phone or email. Our demand response transport line can be reached on 01835 826 753 Monday – Friday between 08.45am and 4pm or you can email transport requests to PLACEtransport@scotborders.gov.uk Please ensure that all phone and email bookings are made by 4pm Monday – Friday for travel the following day. For travel required on Saturday, Sunday and Monday we must receive your booking... MoreClosed 9 August 2020 -
Spaces for People suggestions
Scottish Borders Council is seeking the input of Borderers to identify potential schemes to put temporary infrastructure in place during the COVID-19 pandemic. Spaces for People is a new, temporary infrastructure programme in Scotland which offers funding and support to make it safer for people who choose to walk, cycle or wheel for essential trips and exercise during Covid-19. The Spaces for People programme is funded by the Scottish Government and managed by Sustrans Scotland. It... MoreClosed 8 July 2020 -
School Transport Survey
We are asking parents and carers whose children normally use school transport to complete this short survey so we can explore various options for school transport arrangements for when schools reopen in August. Almost 3,000 pupils normally travel on school transport every day, however there are significant challenges for us in transporting pupils from August, when it is likely that social distancing requirements will need to be met. Based on the current two metre... MoreClosed 28 June 2020 -
School Holiday Childcare Requirements for Key Workers
During the summer holiday period our childcare hubs will be offered in all nine of our secondary schools for children from P1 – S2. Our early years hubs will be delivered through our partner private providers. By completing this survey you will help us plan for the summer childcare provision. We know that your arrangements may change and your childcare arrangements won't be the same every week but please complete as much as you can. MoreClosed 21 June 2020 -
Home Learning Evaluation May 2020
Dear Parent/Carer , Following my recent update to you all, Scottish Borders Council has now developed an online survey to help us understand how home learning has been working for you and your children at this difficult time. We are very keen to understand how you have found the experience, particularly in relation to how children are being supported and how work is being provided. This provides you with an opportunity to provide us with direct feedback on what has... MoreClosed 31 May 2020 -
Tweedbank – Vision for Growth and Sustainability, A Community for the Future. Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance
This Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) sets out to guide and inform the future expansion of Tweedbank within the site of the former Lowood Estate. This SPG builds on and refines the Tweedbank Masterplan and Spatial Framework prepared for Scottish Borders Council by the architects Proctor and Matthews, agreed on 25 January 2019. This Draft SPG sets out the spatial framework for a residential led mixed use development of around 9 hectares of residential units and approximately... MoreClosed 15 May 2020 -
Future of Peebles High School
We are currently looking for your views on the future of Peebles High School, which was severly damaged by a fire in November 2019. MoreClosed 30 April 2020 -
Sustainable Urban Drainage
This Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) lays down good practice procedures for the design of a Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS), and gives reference to other documents where more detailed information can be obtained if desired. It expands current development plan policy and is primarily intended for any interested party seeking guidance on Scottish Borders Council’s requirements for the design of SUDS in the region. The SPG is intended to highlight that the disposal of... MoreClosed 27 April 2020 -
National Entitlement Card 2020
The National Entitlement Card (NEC) is a national programme sponsored by the Scottish Government. It provides citizens with a single card which can have multiple uses. Within Scottish Borders, the National Entitlement Card is used for travel concessions, as a Library Card, for Young Scot Discounts, as a Proof of Age for young people and is essential for Cashless Catering in secondary school canteens. The card will also display the Young Scot, EURO<26 and PASS Hologram on it. Young... MoreClosed 24 April 2020 -
COVID-19 Children of Key Workers
As you will be aware the Deputy First Minister yesterday announced the details of the provision that will be provided during the period of school closures. Part of this provision is ensuring that the children of those key workers who are involved in the response to the Covid-19 emergency have childcare. Please complete the questionnaire below to enable us to plan our offering. We are currently seeking to offer provision for nursery and primary age children of key workers who do not... MoreClosed 23 March 2020 -
COVID-19 Key Worker parents of S1 and S2 pupils
It has now been agreed that limited places in secondary schools will be available for S1-S2 pupils (aged 12-13 only) for parents who are key workers and feel they have absolutely no other option for childcare. If it is possible for a child to be at home, they should be, and it goes without saying that any child who is unwell should not attend school. We are undertaking this survey to assess the number of children this is likey to involve to allow us to plan accordingly. ... MoreClosed 23 March 2020 -
Scottish Borders Community Justice Outcomes Improvement Plan Consultation
Community justice is a planned method of crime reduction that aims to address the underlying cause of offending behaviour. We want to hear your views on the new Community Justice Outcomes Improvement Plan that is being developed for the Scottish Borders. We last asked for your views and experiences in 2016, these helped us to write our plan for 2017 The aim of the new plan is to continue to support a reduction in the number of people reoffending following a previous conviction. ... MoreClosed 22 March 2020 -
Pass It On Jedburgh Schools furniture project note of interest
Update Thursday 20 March: The viewing morning at Jedburgh Primary (Howdenburn) has been moved back to Saturday 21 March from 9am to 12noon. The Jedburgh Grammar viewing morning for Jedburgh community groups will still take place on Saturday 21 March from 9am to 12noon. Due to the Coronavirus response, we are aiming to limit the number of people attending at one time so all respondents to the note of interest will be contacted via email on Thursday to pick a viewing slot... MoreClosed 19 March 2020 -
Your Bus Matters - Denholm CANCELLED
Come and tell us what your local bus service in Denholm means to you. We will be discussing the Service number 20 provided by Peter Hogg Buses and the possibility of funding for extra services. As of 16:00 on Monday 16th March 2020 this event has been cancelled. MoreClosed 17 March 2020 -
Your Bus Matters - Burnfoot
Come and tell us what your local bus service in Burnfoot Community means to you. We will be discussing the H1 and H2 town buses and Community Transport options. MoreClosed 16 March 2020 -
Jim Clark Rally 2020
The organiser of the Jim Clark Rally has lodged an application with Scottish Borders Council seeking a Motor Sport Order to run the event on Saturday 30 and Sunday 31 May 2020. To approve the rally, legislation requires the Council to consider any potential impacts, both positive and negative, on local communities and businesses. It also requires that the public are consulted about the planning and implementation of the event. Details of the proposed stages are available... MoreClosed 8 March 2020 -
Z - Closed Supervision and Performance Management
Please complete this questionnaire as honestly and thoughtfully as you can. The information gathered from this questionnaire will be used to review the current supervision and work performance policies and will maximise benefit and value from supervision to both the employee and the service. MoreClosed 31 January 2020 -
Scottish Borders Budget Challenge
We have launched a consultation to help inform the upcoming budget which will be set on 20 February 2020. MoreClosed 31 January 2020 -
Eildon Area Partnership Meeting Times
We are looking to the find the most apporiate time for the Eildon Area Partnership meeting taking place on Thursday 27th Feb in Earlston. MoreClosed 19 January 2020 -
Localities Bid Fund 2 Evaluation
The purpose of the Localities Bid Fund (LBF) was to support community groups to develop ideas or projects which improved the lives of people living in the Scottish Borders. The decision as to which groups were awarded funding was made via a public vote. This process is called participatory budgeting. Round 2 of the fund was open to applications during January and February 2019. The public were able to vote for their favourite projects during May and June 2019. This is the... MoreClosed 12 January 2020 -
Mobile Recycling Service
Scottish Borders Council is considering the provision of a mobile recycling service to support the Council's 7 Community Recycling Centres. It is proposed that the service would be provided one day a week at the following locations: Jedburgh Coldstream West Linton Lauder Newcastleton The focus of the mobile recycling service is to faciltate increased recycling. It would do this by increasing access to recycling... MoreClosed 12 January 2020 -
Eyemouth Fit for 2024 property event survey
As part of Fit for 2024 programme , we must drive innovation and creativity when it come to our properties. This is because the size of our estate and the running costs involved are not sustainable. On average, we spent £14million each year in the running costs of property which includes refurbishing and repairing the current estate. However, the sheer size of that estate means that investment is spread too thinly and makes it impossible to sustain safe and... MoreClosed 2 December 2019 -
Fit for 2024 - Earlston Property Event
Community groups and members of the public were invited to view plans for the new Earlston Community Campus at an event in Earlston Primary School on Thursday 19 September. MoreClosed 2 December 2019 -
Consultation Report - Proposal to amend the catchment areas for Yarrow Primary School and Philiphaugh Community School
In May 2019, Scottish Borders Council commenced a statutory consultation on a proposal to amend the catchment areas for Yarrow Primary School and Philiphaugh Community School. Scottish Borders Council has prepared a Consultation Report responding to the comments and issues raised during the consultation period. This report can be accessed below. Scottish Borders Council is now seeking your views on the proposal and the Consultation Report and/or any alternative suggestions to the... MoreClosed 21 November 2019 -
Public CCTV in the Scottish Borders
Scottish Borders Council currently operates 70 public space CCTV cameras located in the following towns: Duns, Hawick, Galashiels, Kelso, Peebles, Eyemouth, Selkirk and Melrose. The Council currently meets all ongoing running costs, including energy consumption, telecoms charges, consumable items and annual charges from the contractors who provide maintenance support for each system. Work undertaken by Council officers in 2018 indicated that the likely cost of replacement,... MoreClosed 31 October 2019 -
Children & Families Social Work Exit Survey
This survey is to help us to understand what our involvement has felt like for you and your family and will be used to help us consider whether there are things we could do differently. This survey is asking about your experience of working with Children and Families’ social work MoreOpened 29 October 2019 -
Holidays and In Service days for the academic years 2021/2022 to 2025/26
The Council is seeking your views on the school holidays and In Service days for future academic years 2021/22 to 2025/26; ending June 2026. MoreClosed 20 October 2019 -
Scottish Borders Food Growing Strategy
Would you like to or are you already growing your own fruit and vegetables close to where you live or work? We want to hear from you. We are developing a Food Growing Strategy for the Scottish Borders and we need local people to tell us why, where and how they would like to be growing their own food. If you are growing already - you could be a member of a community garden, a garden volunteer with the local school or an allotment plot holder - then we would like to... MoreClosed 16 October 2019
226 results.
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