226 results
Berwickshire Coastal Change Adaptation Plan
Scottish Borders Council is consulting on the draft Berwickshire Coastal Change Adaptation Plan (BCCAP). This plan provides policies to sustainably manage life on the coast. It indicates how and when we should adapt our approaches over time as conditions change. We would like your views to help us develop the plans and policies within BCCAP. The BCCAP will be taken forward and used for future coastal management and to inform other development on the coast. What is a Coastal Change... MoreOpened 24 February 2024 -
Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy Consultation 2024
The Scottish Borders Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) sets out our vision and goals for energy efficiency in all buildings across the Scottish Borders over the next five years, 2024-2029. The draft documents will develop and be subject to change, and we want people to share their views on our proposed vision, outcomes, key actions and energy efficiency issues. We are interested in finding out the views of anyone living or wishing to live in the Scottish Borders, as... MoreOpened 29 January 2024 -
Daytime opportunities for older adults with advanced care needs based in Eildon -2024
The Scottish Borders Health and Social Care Partnership is currently reviewing the social and respite opportunities that are available to older adults and those with advanced care needs. Engagement recently carried out by the Partnership in Teviot and Liddesdale showed that there are many social opportunities available such as lunch clubs, walking groups, men’s sheds etc. but that many of these activities were not able to support those with personal care needs. The engagement... MoreOpened 25 January 2024 -
Z - Closed -Provision of Early Learning & Childcare (ELC) Parent Consultation 2024
Local Authorities in Scotland are required to consult with parents every 2 years, to support their planning for the delivery of Early Learning and Childcare (ELC). This questionnaire is aimed at parents/carers whose children will access ELC provision in the future and those currently accessing ELC provision. It is also useful for the Council to consult with parents /carers whose children are now at Primary School. If you are responding as a parent/carer who previously accessed ELC... MoreOpened 22 January 2024 -
Website survey
We have recently refreshed our website and would welcome the feedback of users. MoreOpened 21 January 2024 -
Berwickshire Coastal Path 2024
Scottish Borders Council is seeking feedback on the current condition of the path and views on its future, including its alignment, taking into consideration the continued threat of erosion. The survey will inform the next stages of a project aiming to develop a longer term plan for the path which protects and enhances it whilst continuing to allow for adaption as and when required. The Berwickshire Coast is known for its dramatic clifftop scenery, quaint coastal villages and rare... MoreOpened 16 January 2024 -
Proposed lease of the Old Corn Exchange Shop, High Street, Peebles
Scottish Borders Council has received a request for the lease of the Old Corn Exchange Shop, Peebles High Street that will result in a change of use from a class 1 use to a hot food takeaway. Under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 the local authority is required to consult with the local community when there is a proposal to change the use of Common Good property. The lease applicant is Tweeddale Youth Action who are proposing to expand their existing Food Punks... MoreOpened 1 December 2023 -
Events Economic Impact 2023 - Independent Survey
EVENTS - ECONOMIC IMPACT 2023 We are looking for l ocal residents to take part in an online survey to tell us your experiences, views and opinions related to events held in the Scottish Borders. This is a confidential, independent survey to gather the opinions of local people. You can access the survey online . Please take part as soon as possible and before the extended deadline of Wedneday 13 December. Thank you very much. MoreOpened 1 December 2023 -
Budget Survey 2024/25
Our financial plans support the delivery of our strategic ambitions, as set out in the Council Plan. An updated Council Plan will be presented with the Council’s financial plans in February 2024. We expect the updated Council Plan to continue with the themes of the existing Council Plan. These provide a strong framework for identifying our priorities. The themes are: Clean, green future Fulfilling our potential Strong inclusive economy,... MoreOpened 30 November 2023 -
Walkerburn Pump Track Floodlighting
Pump Track in Use - Home - Velosolutions With construction of the consented pump track due to commence in April 2024, we are seeking your views on potential floodlighting options for the new facility. Note that this is not covered under the existing planning application - if there is sufficient support, the detailed design of the floodlights will be subject to a seperate planning application that will be submitted in the near future. Sports Scotland are offering grant... MoreOpened 24 November 2023 -
Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places 2023
In line with the requirements of Section 18C of the Representation of the People Act 1983, Scottish Borders Council is undertaking a review of polling districts and polling places for use in parliamentary and local elections. The aim of the Review is to ensure: (1) a ll electors in the Scottish Borders have as reasonable facilities for voting as are possible in the circumstances; and (2) so far as is reasonable and possible every polling place... MoreOpened 20 November 2023 -
Play Area Improvements - Roxburgh Play Park
SBC is investing over £4 million in Play Areas and Outdoor Community Spaces over a seven year period. The intention is to improve community wellbeing and enhance outdoor activity for children and young people inclusive of all levels of ability. SBC currently has 187 play parks ranging from smaller local areas of play to destination play parks. A programme of investment has been developed based on previous improvements to play areas and community spaces to provide children and young people... MoreOpened 20 November 2023 -
Play Area Improvements - Heiton Play Park
SBC is investing over £4 million in Play Areas and Outdoor Community Spaces over a seven year period. The intention is to improve community wellbeing and enhance outdoor activity for children and young people inclusive of all levels of ability. SBC currently has 187 play parks ranging from smaller local areas of play to destination play parks. A programme of investment has been developed based on previous improvements to play areas and community spaces to provide children and young people... MoreOpened 20 November 2023 -
Tour o The Borders 2023 Event Survey
Scottish Borders Council are looking for the views of the community regarding the 2023 Tour o the Borders event which took place on Sunday 3rd September on closed roads. MoreOpened 6 November 2023 -
Night Support Service Consultation October 2023
As you will have read in the national news, the pressure on care services nationally, is already taking its toll and this is likely to increase. Due to this unprecedented pressure, we need to consider new approaches to service delivery that will provide more efficient and effective care, whilst maintaining safe and good quality services. For this reason, we are reviewing the way in which we currently provide overnight care in the community. This may include... MoreOpened 30 October 2023 -
How we look after our Roads, Bridges and Lighting
We (Roads Asset Management Team) are looking to shape the future of the road service delivery through developing a set of objectives which we'll use to influence our planning and delivery over the next 5 to 10 years. The objectives will help us prioritise and allocate our spending of the road maintenance budgets we have allocated to us. As part of the development of the objectives, we want to understand what matters most to the people who rely on our road network, so we can consider... MoreOpened 30 October 2023 -
Play Area Improvements - Newcastleton Play Park
SBC is investing over £4 million in Play Areas and Outdoor Community Spaces over a seven year period. The intention is to improve community wellbeing and enhance outdoor activity for children and young people inclusive of all levels of ability. SBC currently has 187 play parks ranging from smaller local areas of play to destination play parks. A programme of investment has been developed based on previous improvements to play areas and community spaces to provide children and young people... MoreOpened 5 October 2023 -
Daytime opportunities for older adults and those with complex needs - Eildon 2023
The Scottish Borders Health and Social Care Partnership is currently reviewing the social opportunities that are available to adults with a range of complex needs. Engagement recently carried out by the Partnership in Teviot and Liddesdale showed that there are many social opportunities available such as lunch clubs, walking groups, men’s sheds etc. but that many of these activities were not able to support those with more complex needs. The engagement also showed that there... MoreOpened 2 October 2023 -
Footway Parking 2023
The Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 has outlined some major changes to the way Scotland’s transport network will operate going forward including some new responsibilities that local authorities will assume. Under these new regulations, parking on all pavements/footways will be prohibited with the exception of specific areas identified by local authorities that meet certain requirements. This means that in the future, the only time when parking on the pavement/footway... MoreOpened 29 September 2023 -
Peebles Parking Survey September 2023
Peebles Parking Group consists of local elected Councillors, representatives of Peebles Community Council, Peebles Traders Association and Council Roads Officers. In the East Station (Edinburgh Road) car park visitors are presently charged to park on a Saturday only and Kingsmeadows car park is presently free parking 7 days. The Peebles Parking Group is keen to gauge views on extending parking charges in East Station and Kingsmeadows Road. Any surplus money raised... MoreOpened 11 September 2023 -
Local Festivals and Events Consultation
Under the Local Festival Grant Scheme, Scottish Borders Council provides £85.1k in grants to support public protection and insurance costs for 29 local festivals annually. The arrangements of the Scheme have been in place since 2005. In June 2023, SBC’s Executive Committee agreed to undertake a review of the Local Festival Grant Scheme with agreed recommendations being fed into the budget setting process for 2024/25. A short-life Member/Officer... MoreOpened 6 September 2023 -
Instrumental Instruction New Start Form 2023-2024
After consultation with your Music Instructor this form should be completed for pupils wishing to start instrumental instruction Only one pupil per form please. The information provided within this form will be held by Scottish Borders Council for the purpose described. It will be retained for duration of your child's music tuition and for three months once the tuition ceases. For information on you rights under Data Protection Legislation, please visit ... MoreOpened 21 August 2023 -
Shared Access Network 2023
Linking to the 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships that are due to take place in the Scottish Borders and throughout Scotland in August, we are asking communities and members of the public to tell us where new shared access routes should be developed in the Scottish Borders and which routes should be given priority. We have provided a plan which shows a suggested network of routes that would cover the majority of the Scottish Borders. We are interested in finding out... MoreOpened 31 July 2023 -
SBC Local Festival Grant Scheme Review
Scottish Borders Council currently provides £85,110.28 to support public protection and insurance costs for 29 local festivals. The arrangements of the Scheme have been in place since 2005. In June 2023, SBC’s Executive Committee agreed to undertake a review of Local Festival Grant Scheme with agreed recommendations being fed into the budget setting process for 2024/25. A short life Member/Officer Working Group has been established and will meet... MoreOpened 28 July 2023 -
South of Scotland Responsible Tourism and Marketing Strategy 2023
As agreed in the Delivery Plan of the South of Scotland’s Regional Economic Strategy (RES), all key agencies in the region are coming together in 2023 to develop and agree a single Responsible Tourism Strategy for the South of Scotland, with a clear Action Plan for successful delivery. The South of Scotland Destination Alliance (SSDA), VisitScotland, South of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE), Scottish Borders Council and Dumfries & Galloway Council are... MoreOpened 25 July 2023 -
SBC Licensing Policy Statement 2023-2028
Scottish Borders Licensing Board manages the applications for licences to sell alcohol in the Scottish Borders all in accordance with the provisions as set out in the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005. In order to do so the Board requires to have in place a Statement of Licensing Policy. The Board’s current policy is due to expire on 30 November 2023. The Board has agreed the terms of an updated draft Statement of Licensing Policy, (then add link) for the period November 2023 to November... MoreOpened 21 July 2023 -
Eildon Neighbourhood Support Fund Assessment Panel - Volunteer Application Form
The Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 is legislation that helps communities do more for themselves and have more say in the decisions that affect them. The Eildon Assessment Panel provides an exciting new opportunity to join a small community-led team responsible for assessing SBC’s Neighbourhood Support Fund applications and making funding recommendations to Eildon Area Partnership for approval. Working alongside fellow residents from Eildon, independent panel members act as a... MoreOpened 3 July 2023 -
Design proposals for Bog Park play area, Selkirk
The refurbishment is being undertaken as part of Scottish Borders Council’s Play Park Capital Programme, which was launched in 2022. A key aim of the programme is to provide a fun, safe and inclusive play environment for children and families in the area and as a result, the Council is extremely keen to hear from communities to find out what changes people would like to see including the types of equipment that will be installed. The proposals for Bog Park... MoreOpened 29 June 2023 -
2023 UCI Cycling World Championships - Window dressing competition entry form
Entry form for Scottish Borders businesses to enter a window dressing competition in relation to the Cycling World Championships. The overall winner will receive a Greatest Hits Radio (Scottish Borders and North Northumberland) advertising package worth over £500. MoreOpened 26 June 2023 -
Instrumental Instruction Continuation Form 2023-2024
This form should be completed for pupils currently receiving instrumental instruction Only one pupil per form please. The information provided within this form will be held by Scottish Borders Council for the purpose described. It will be retained for duration of your child's music tuition and for three months once the tuition ceases. For information on you rights under Data Protection Legislation, please visit http://www.scotborders.gov/DPYourRights . MoreOpened 20 June 2023
226 results.
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