226 results
Tweeddale Community Fund Assessment Panel - volunteer application form.
The Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 is legislation that helps communities do more for themselves and have more say in the decisions that affect them. In line with the ethos of the Act and the Scottish Community Development Centre’s Review of Area Partnerships, and the Community Fund, Scottish Borders Council has been supporting working groups to identify what the 2021-22 Community Fund arrangements should look like in each of the five localities. Tweeddale... MoreClosed 28 July 2021 -
Hall Street toilets, Innerleithen
Scottish Borders Council is considering entering in to a lease agreement with The Hub Community Interest Company for the former public toilets in Hall Street, Innerleithen. We are now consulting on the proposal that has been received. Your views will be taken into consideration when making the decision whether or not to approve a lease. Comments made in writing are invited by 27 July 2021. You may do this by: completing this form enmailing your comments to ... MoreClosed 27 July 2021 -
Berwickshire Community Fund Assessment Panel - volunteer application form.
The Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 is legislation that helps communities do more for themselves and have more say in the decisions that affect them. In line with the ethos of the Act and the Scottish Community Development Centre’s Review of Area Partnerships, and the Community Fund, Scottish Borders Council has been supporting working groups to identify what the 2021-22 Community Fund arrangements should look like in each of the five localities. Berwickshire... MoreClosed 14 June 2021 -
20mph public consultation
As part of the Scottish Government/SUSTRANS Spaces for People programme Scottish Borders Council introduced a trial roll out of 20mph speed limits last October to encourage more active travel as lockdown eases and is now looking to obtain the views and experiences of pedestrians, cyclists, residents, businesses and drivers. The focus of the survey is on road safety and quality of life in relation to the introduction of the 20mph speed limits and to gather information on whether any... MoreClosed 6 June 2021 -
Scottish Borders Council Gaelic Plan 2021
This plan has been prepared under Section 3 of the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005 and requires that public authorities consult on their draft Gaelic L anguage P lan to the attention of all interested parties before submitting it to Bòrd na Gàidhlig. Scottish Borders Council is interested in your views about the Gaelic Plan. MoreClosed 23 May 2021 -
Accessing and Using Scottish Borders Council Services
Scottish Borders Council is undergoing a series of reviews to transform its services. The current COVID - 19 pandemic has added to the need to review how we deliver services and how they are accessed. This is your chance to influence our future customer service arrangements, online and digital services. The survey should take around 10 minutes to complete. MoreClosed 16 May 2021 -
Eyemouth Primary School 2021
Scottish Borders Council have been developing three different education delivery models to inform the development of a new primary school and early years centre for the town. The thinking behind each model has been shared and discussed with schools leadership teams and parent councils. The three different education delivery models considered during this initial phase is set out in this consultation. Scottish Borders Council invites comments on the each model and... MoreClosed 16 May 2021 -
Informing Scottish Borders Anti-Poverty Action Plan - How are you managing?
We are developing an action plan for the Scottish Borders Anti-Poverty Strategy and want your help. We want to understand what its like living in the Scottish Borders and what actions could be taken to reduce poverty. We are also consulting on the stategy itself at Scottish Borders Anti-Poverty Strategy 2021 . MoreClosed 16 May 2021 -
Anti-Poverty Strategy 2021 Consultation
What is poverty? According to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation: Poverty is when your resources are well below your minimum needs. Poverty means not being able to heat your home, pay your rent, or buy the essentials for you or your children. It means waking up every day facing insecurity, uncertainty, and impossible decisions about money. It means facing marginalisation – and even discrimination – because of your financial circumstances. The constant stress it... MoreClosed 16 May 2021 -
Peebles Cycle Lanes
With the aims of making Peebles High Street a more appealing place to walk and cycle and the Council are keen to gauge views on: Trial of advisory cycle lanes and removal of centre line, 6 months duration Trial revised positioning of taxi rank (removal of ranks at The Park and The County and extending outside Trespass), 6 months duration. Permanent Puffin Crossing at top of Tweed Brae, with loss of loading bay. Removing the white lines in the middle... MoreClosed 30 April 2021 -
Instrumental Instruction Continuation Form 2020
This form should be completed for pupils currently receiving instrumental instruction Only one pupil per form please. The information provided within this form will be held by Scottish Borders Council for the purpose described. It will be retained for duration of your child's music tuition and for three months once the tuition ceases. For information on you rights under Data Protection Legislation, please visit http://www.scotborders.gov/DPYourRights . MoreClosed 28 April 2021 -
Instrumental Instruction New Start Form 2020
This form should be completed for pupils wishing to start instrumental instruction Only one pupil per form please. The information provided within this form will be held by Scottish Borders Council for the purpose described. It will be retained for duration of your child's music tuition and for three months once the tuition ceases. For information on you rights under Data Protection Legislation, please visit http://www.scotborders.gov/DPYourRights . MoreClosed 28 April 2021 -
National Entitlement Card 2021
The National Entitlement Card (NEC) is a national programme sponsored by the Scottish Government. It provides citizens with a single card which can have multiple uses. Within Scottish Borders, the National Entitlement Card is used for travel concessions, as a Library Card, for Young Scot Discounts, as a Proof of Age for young people and is essential for Cashless Catering in secondary school canteens. The card will also display the Young Scot, EURO<26 and PASS Hologram on it. Young... MoreClosed 25 April 2021 -
Jedderfield Farm Asset Transfer Request
An asset transfer request has been made to Peebles Common Good and Scottish Borders Council under Part 5 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015. The request has been made by Tweedgreen and relates to Jedderfield Farm, Peebles EH45 8NH. The request and accompanying documents are availble for public consultation. Comments must be made in writing by 11 April 2021. You may do this by: completing this form, emailing your comments to ... MoreClosed 11 April 2021 -
Peebles to Peel Backroads Questionnaire
As part of the Scottish Government funded Spaces for People programme the Council temporarily reduced the speed limit from a national speed limit of 60mph for cars to 40mph for all vehicles along the backroads between Peebles and Peel for a trial period. The aim of this trial was to determine if the public would benefit from the reduced speed limit ‘…. to ensure that people can walk, cycle and wheel during this public health emergency whilst physically distancing and keeping safe... MoreClosed 31 March 2021 -
Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) School Year 2020-2021
EMA provides financial support for 16-19 year olds who stay on in full-time non-advanced education or a community/voluntary activity programme after their statutory school leaving date. Students attending college full-time may also be eligible but should contact their Learning Centre direct for further information. Guidance notes are available here to help you complete the on-line form. Please note you must complete a new form for each academic year. MoreClosed 31 March 2021 -
Updated Supplementary Planning Guidance – Planning Brief – Former Borders College Galashiels
The 'Updated Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) - Planning Brief - Former Borders College Galashiels' will replace the previous Planning Brief adopted in 2009 for the site which is now out of date on a number of component parts. The updated SPG ensures reference to up to date policies and site requirements to be addressed which will help provide relevant guidance to enable the satisfactory development of the site. The updated SPG creates a development vision, addresses potential... MoreClosed 30 March 2021 -
Chiefswood Road Questionnaire
As part of the Spaces for People survey the Council received a number of requests to improve pedestrian and cycle provision on Chiefswood Road as part of a public survey last year and is considering a trial one way downhill on Chiefswood Road from April to September 2021. Spaces for People is a fund that is being managed by Sustrans Scotland from the Scottish Government ‘ to implement temporary active travel measures, helping to ensure that people can walk, cycle and wheel during this... MoreClosed 28 March 2021 -
Licensing of Sexual Entertainment Venues
What is happening? A change in the law on 26 April 2019 means that Councils can decide if the operators of Sexual Entertainment Venues (“SEVs”) should be required to apply to the Council for a licence. What is a Sexual Entertainment Venue? The Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (“the Act”) defines a SEV as any premises at which sexual entertainment is provided before a live audience for (or with a view to) the financial gain of the organiser. The... MoreClosed 14 February 2021 -
Scottish Borders Budget Challenge
The annual Scottish Borders Council budget consultation is now open. This is your chance to play #yourpart and shape the Council’s financial plan for next year as well as its future priorities. This year the consultation, which is open for 12 weeks, focuses on some high-level issues facing the Council and the wider area. Borderers are being asked to allocate a limited number of points across these to provide insight on local priorities. The feedback will be used as... MoreClosed 31 January 2021 -
Proposed Scottish Borders Local Development Plan
We have produced the Proposed Scottish Borders Local Development Plan (PLDP), which follows on from the Main Issues Report (MIR). The PLDP sets out land use allocations and planning policies for the Scottish Borders, for the next 10 years. The Plan is the Council’s settled position , having taken on board the comments received during the consultation on the MIR . The PLDP and background information are available on the Council’s website at: ... MoreClosed 25 January 2021 -
Consultation on Lauder Common Woodland Scheme
Under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 the local authority is required to consult with the local community when it is planning to make changes to common good property. It is proposed that the Lauder Common Good removes from its existing lease to the Lauderhill Sheep Company, seven areas of land extending to 22.7 hectares in order to undertake a scheme of woodland planting. The Lauderhill Sheep Company is agreeable to this proposal, which leaves the company with... MoreClosed 10 January 2021 -
Draft Scottish Borders Food Growing Strategy
You can have your say on the final consultation on the Scottish Borders’ first Food Growing Strategy . Comments after welcomed on the draft strategy as part of the 12-week consultation, which runs until 8 December. An initial consultation took place last year, which saw 300 responses received from the public and community groups already growing their own fruit and vegetables, as well as those who do not but would like to give it a try. The feedback... MoreClosed 8 December 2020 -
Proposed allotment rules and regulations 2020
Proposed allotments rules and regulations and conditions of let documents are available to view and comment upon. Further information on allotments across the Scottish Borders is available . Proposed allotments rules and regulations 2020 Allotments conditions of let MoreClosed 8 December 2020 -
Proposed donation of artwork to the National Galleries of Scotland
Under the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 the local authority is required to consult with the local community when it is planning to dispose of common good property. The proposed disposal is the donation of a painting thought to be owned by the Hawick Common Good. The painting is an oil portrait of the 1 st Earl of Minto by the artist George Chinnery . It is understood that the painting was donated to the town of Hawick in 1893 and that in ... MoreClosed 7 December 2020 -
Older Peoples' Experience of Covid19
Borders Older Peoples Planning Partnership (BOPPP), one of the Health & Social Care Partnership engagement and planning groups, has proposed that older people should be engaged in a conversation to explore how they have experienced the Covid19 pandemic lockdown. The target group is people aged 60 and over. It is intended that this piece of work is completed as soon as practical in order to capture people’s experiences as close to the easing of lockdown as possible. The... MoreClosed 6 December 2020 -
Hawick Flood Protection Active Travel Network: Travel Choices Survey
Thank you for your interest in the Hawick Flood Protection Travel Choices Survey. This survey is collecting data as part of the Places for Everyone Hawick Active Travel Network Project for the purposes of understanding the barriers to certain travel modes and to help inform behaviour change interventions. Public feedback will be continually reviewed and assessed throughout the Project, giving way to future public consultations, community vision working groups, and surveys, such as the one... MoreClosed 30 November 2020 -
Alcohol Byelaws 2020
During 2019 the Council carried out a consultation asking whether people felt that the consumption of alcohol in public places was causing a problem. A total of 491 consultation responses were received. 44% of those who took part did not think that the consumption of alcohol in a public place was causing a problem. 36% thought it was and 20% were unsure. At a meeting on 31 October 2019, Councillors considered the responses in detail. As a result, Scottish Borders... MoreClosed 1 November 2020 -
Changes to Social Care Charges - Easy Read
Scottish Borders Council are looking at changing some care and support charges. We would like to know what you think about the changes. You can print the easy read consultation to fill in. There is a freepost address for you to send it to us. This means you won't need a stamp. MoreClosed 27 September 2020 -
Scottish Borders Council Non-Residential Charging Policy for 2021 - 2022
The Social Care Charging Policy explains how the Scottish Borders Council (SBC) works out what people should pay towards the cost of their council-funded care and support, based on their ability to pay. People can either use their benefits to arrange and pay for their care and support privately or they can use them to pay for care and support arranged for them by the Council. Why is the Policy Changing? SBC wants to continue to help people to live at home as... MoreClosed 27 September 2020
226 results.
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